
A twisted take on the "billionaire superhero" trope, Spyrers (or Spyre Hunters) are a subsect of high nobility from some hive worlds in the Imperium, especially in Necromunda, which is also the game where the term comes from. They go down to the underhive armed with fancy super gadgets to hunt down poor people for fun.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Within the industrial underhives of a hive city, the poor people are forming gangs to fight for the scraps of the scarce resources. Sometimes the rich people, the upper nobility, send "gangs" for a different purpose. Spyrer groups are hardly more than silver spoon sucking spoiled brats of the noble houses, sent to the Underhive to undertake a vow that has been impressed upon them by a sponsor Patriarch or Matriarch, either to survive on their own or to get a designated number of kills. They are to be sent down and will come back with their task done or not at all. Or they just felt like working off some stress.
In other words, they're either the Grimdark version of the bored rich kid who's out to callously cause mischief no matter who it hurts; or they're on a Grimdark rite of passage by surviving or killing people in the dangerous, rundown Underhive, which is infested by gangs, mutants, monsters, and sometimes other eldritch bizzarro weird shit.
In the Imperium, where everything is fucked up, and especially in Necromunda, where things are really fucked up, this makes a certain amount of sense. If they come back having survived, and even killed a few people, this proves that the youth in question is resourceful and ruthless enough to do well in Hive politics, or at least not be a sitting duck for assassins. On most other Imperial worlds, most of these kids would end up debauchees and wannabe socialites, maybe inheriting a part of their family's interests or saddled into a political marriage, or they might buy a commissioned rank in the Imperial Guard or Navy. Some of them might even be good at what they do. But in Necromunda, you're going to be good, or you won't live to see adulthood. Hardcore.
As a last note, sometimes Spyrers actually like going on a hunting trip in the wilderness of the Underhive, so they'll end up coming back as a hobby, or sponsor other gangs as a Matriarch or Patriarch. Also, we know about the logical gap of the survival rate of weeding out the weak in your kids. Necromunda nobles must either have lots of kids, or toughen them up with a steady diet of diesel fuel and broken glass, that or their hunting rigs are just that OP. The answer - all of the above.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Even though becoming a Spyrer is supposed to be a genuine test of ability and the will to survive, rich kids still get all the nice stuff. Each Spyrer is given a unique Hunting Rig which is a serious piece of hardware that outstrips most of the stuff in most Imperial institutions, unless you're a mid-to-high ranking robot, a biologically enhanced killing machine, a state sanctioned asshole, or a state sanctioned asshole with a hit list. Hunting Rigs act as a suit of armour with built-in weaponry and cybernetic enhancements and have several variants such as the Orrus, Jakara, Malcadon, Yeld, Patriarch and the Matriarch. If you want to know more info on these things and their variants, just go to the Power Armour page.
Overall, Spyrers carry a bunch of advance weapons and shit outside of their Iron Man-levels of a Hunting Rig. This includes Bolt Launchers, Monomolecular Swords, Web Spinnerets, razor-edged wings that fly, Laser Gauntlets, Mechadendrites and a motherfucking Chainscythe.