Krieg Mester

Krieg Mesters are lower-ranked members of House Greim, who offer tactical advice to Underhive gang leaders and oversee the testing of the latest Greim weaponry. These guys are all-round LARPers and no, we are not making this shit up.
No relation to the Death Korps.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Remember how we state that these guys are a bunch of LARPers? Yeah, apparently, despite their house - House Greim - being styled in a military fashion, most of their members never actually participate in a battlefield. They just really think the Guard is cool, which, we can't blame them to be honest. But masturbating over different shades of Cadian camo whilst draft-dodging at the same time isn't really a good look. So to compensate, the House sends the Krieg Mesters into the Underhive to get some experience of real fighting.
But while they dress the part, the inexperienced Mesters are protected by former Astra Militarum Jagerkin bodyguards, who ensure their safety in the Underhive. While there, the Mesters accompany House Greim friendly gangs, whose leaders they serve as military advisers to or oversee the gangs testing the latest of Greim's weaponry. This is not to say that they are a bunch of useless conman however, though Mesters allegedly lack tactical insight, due to their lack of experience, their cunning battle plans sometimes actually work and they are trained sufficiently enough with their Bolt Pistol and Power Sword.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, the Krieg Mester is a tough nut to crack, clad comfortably in his Light Carapace armour and guarded by his pal thanks to the Bodyguard rule. He’s not a combat beast, swinging and shooting on 4+, but is more than capable of defending himself with his Bolt Pistol and the ever-deadly Power Sword. His role is more as a force multiplier, since his version of Overseer is able to be used on members of his host gang. (Most Retinue leaders have Overseer, but with a specific restriction limiting it to other fighters in the Retinue that the Mester lacks.)