Gang Lookout

Gang Lookouts are Necromundan Underhivers who are used by other gangs to keep watch over the borders of their territory and to warn them of unwanted visitors.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Some Gang Lookouts are supplicants hoping to impress the gang or loyal locals, who know that the status quo is better than the arrival of a new gang in their hab block. They may even be used by the gangs to lead unwelcome visitors into an ambush.
As they are just there as spotters, Gang Lookouts are lightly armed and armoured, only carrying an Axe and a Laspistol for protection and nothing much else. The only other equipment is his walkie-talkie watch, but that's just for show.
They also sort of look a bit like Rebel troopers from Star Wars.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, Gang Lookouts unfortunately, suck monkey dick. They are among the worst units in the game despite costing 20 credits. He offers a +1 to your spot checks when you’re playing as the sentries in that sort of mission. In no scenario does this jackass have any valid use that elevates him to be worth a Reputation Slot over a Slopper or Ammo-Jack. Use him as cannon fodder or don't even waste credits on this joker.