
Propagandists are Imperial rabble-rousers, who give speeches, paint slogans on walls, and spread favorable rumors to the ruling houses.
Overview[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, they are used by gangs to increase their reputations and help with recruiting new members. They wear an absolutely ridiculous contraption, with two shoulder-mounted Laud Hailers and vox-speakers, a control box to switch between radio signals, and a giant banner pole/tv set. Their actives are seen as law-abiding and Propagandists do not have to worry about the Hive World's Palanite Enforcers, like the law-breaking Agitators do. For all intents and purposes, they are the Yang to the Agitator's Yin.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, for 30 credits, Propagandists are one of the few ways to gain Reputation outside of missions and Intrigues, the Propagandist allows you to call your shot when you’re certain you’ll win an upcoming battle.
Sure, maybe it’s not the smartest move when you’re about to go up against some flame-happy House Cawdor in the tunnels, but call it anyways. Their secondary ability to generate a second juve occasionally when you buy one is almost a downside, though, as the new recruit will often throw off your ganger ratio.
Nevertheless, they are one of the best supportive units given their cost and the amount of freebies they hand out, especially when taking into account their Inspirational skill and a 6+ Leadership. Just don't expect them to do much in combat however.