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So masochistic, they might as well join a Sisters Repentia squad.

Flagellators are a type of Redemptionist found on Necromunda commonly used by House Cawdor.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Believing that purification can only come through pain, Flagellators are known to scour themselves and others in their service to a level that would make an Imperial Fists smile in masochistic respect.

Cawdor gangs sometimes employ these specialists to motivate and "heal" their members. Wounded or sick gangers may well forget their injuries due to the threat of a Flagellators scourges. Due to their profession, they have cybernatically replaced their arms with what looks like a pair of either Arco-Flails or Electro-Flails. Sadly, they are counted as a single Flail in-game.

Unfortunately, despite having rules, we have yet to receive a model for now.

Crunch[edit | edit source]

On Necromunda, at 30 credits, Flagellators are surprisingly quite cheap to buy. Not a Fighter but a Hanger-On, a Flagellator can whip a Recovering fighter into shape, allowing them to take part in the battle, though they start the fracas with a Flesh Wound. While undoubtedly useful, the Flagellator is firmly in “nice-to-have” territory. Focus on other hangers-on first. He's also Outlaw exclusive, further limiting his usefulness.

Necromunda: House Cawdor
Command: Redemptor Priest - Word-Keeper
Troops: Cawdor Bonepicker - Cawdor Brethren - Cawdor Firebrand
Cawdor Headsman - Flagellator - Redemptionist Brethren
Redemptionist Deacon - Redemptionist Zealot
Hive Preacher - Stig Shambler
Beasts: Bomb Rat
Constructs: Sheen Birds - Cherubim
Walkers: Ridge Walker
Vehicles: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Hired Guns
& Neutrals:
Agitator - Ammo-Jack - Beastwrangler - Bone Scrivener
Brute-Handler - Chem Dealer - Corpse Grinder - Dome Runner
Gang Lookout - Gun-smyth - Hive Scum - Jagerkin
Outland Beastmaster - Krieg Mester - Master Nautican
Pale Consort - Relicmonger - Rogue Doc - Scabber - Slopper
Servitor-Ogryn - Subnautican - Syphonite - Pit Slave
Propagandist - Spyrer - Bounty Hunter