Stig Shambler

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Who run Necromunda? Master Blas--eh, Stig Shambler!

Although the Redemptionist Cult ain't too keen on mutations and whatnot, exception do indeed exist from time to time. And the Stig Shambler is a good example of such an exception.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Stig-Shamblers are symbiotic partnerships of Mutants on Necromunda. Usually, a stig-shambler is a physically frail but mentally strong individual riding on the back of a physically strong but mentally weak individual. They are a common sight in House Cawdor as they prove quite useful for the House and their blind devotion and brute strength makes them a valuable asset. The Cult can't be that dogmatic all the time, you know.

Really identifiable. These humanoid Gorilla-and-Gibbon combo are frightening beasts to face against in the Underhive. Whilst the Brute just used his muscles and brute strength, the midget on top can aim and fire with weapons ranging from a Heavy Flamer to a Heavy Stubber.

Crunch[edit | edit source]

On Necromunda, the Stig Shambler is a bit of a mixed bag depending on how you use this humanoid Harambe. As a Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber platform that only halfway mitigates the movement restrictions of Unwieldy shooting (it can move in exchange for a loss of accuracy), the brute fails to outpace a regular Cawdor champion with a Heavy Stubber in both price and efficacy. While each shot is only landing on a 4+ or 5+, so you’ll be struggling to connect with any of them, Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber has D2, so even landing a stray shot can be fatal. Stray shots can actually be abused as a game mechanic, because the Stig Shambler has Shooting as one of his Primary skills, and Marskman is pretty much tailor-made for it: you nominate the furthest target with several targets of opportunity within 2" of the LoS line, and if you roll a 6, poor bastard receives a D4 hit; if not, chances are stray shots on the Rapid Fire (3) are going to hit someone anyway.

As a Heavy Flamer platform on the other hand, this is where the Stig Shambler starts to shine. Trundling forward 4” and blasting out a 7” flame template at Strength 5 and -2 AP, the weakness of its shit accuracy is rendered moot due to the Heavy Flamer giving the middle finger to accuracy. Turning this monster into a CQC powerhouse. Granted, it’s also 350 credits, which means you will never ever field him until the very end of campaign, when you're swimming in credits.

Necromunda: House Cawdor
Command: Redemptor Priest - Word-Keeper
Troops: Cawdor Bonepicker - Cawdor Brethren - Cawdor Firebrand
Cawdor Headsman - Flagellator - Redemptionist Brethren
Redemptionist Deacon - Redemptionist Zealot
Hive Preacher - Stig Shambler
Beasts: Bomb Rat
Constructs: Sheen Birds - Cherubim
Walkers: Ridge Walker
Vehicles: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Hired Guns
& Neutrals:
Agitator - Ammo-Jack - Beastwrangler - Bone Scrivener
Brute-Handler - Chem Dealer - Corpse Grinder - Dome Runner
Gang Lookout - Gun-smyth - Hive Scum - Jagerkin
Outland Beastmaster - Krieg Mester - Master Nautican
Pale Consort - Relicmonger - Rogue Doc - Scabber - Slopper
Servitor-Ogryn - Subnautican - Syphonite - Pit Slave
Propagandist - Spyrer - Bounty Hunter